Ramen Boom


Wednesday, Janusary 24, 2018


Ramen Boom






Kato… are we seeing a ramen boom in town?


Yes, you bet.

But strange, … I’ve never heard of that.

Well, wake up, Diane.  The town papers report like this:



“Actual Page”

I see… We have Marutama’s third restaurant in Vancouver, huh?





They also have locations in Singapore, Malaysia, Australia and Japan.

Wow!… So the ramen boom is all over the world, huh?

You’re telling me, Diane.

Are you saying, after sushi, the ramen is now booming all over the world?

… looks like it.


■”Ramen @ Baku”


“Ramen @ Belize”


“Ramen @ Cairo”


“Ramen @ Riga”

Wow!… I didn’t know that… So many people are now enjoying the ramen all over the world, huh?

Last April, a Ramen bar called “Jinya” was opened near the central Vancouver Public Library.




541 Robson Street, Vancouver


Oh, I didn’t know that, either…  So, Kato, are you gonna treat me at the above bar someday soon?

Well…, you like cooking, eh?

Of course, I do… but to tell you the truth, I prefer eating to cooking.

Most women are just like that… I’ll tell you what… Tonight, you’ll be able to have a bowl of genuine Japanese ramen.

Oh, yeah?  Why is that?

You go to the Denman Place Mall and visit the no-frills supermarket.




You can easily find the shelves for ramen and noodles… You pick up some packs of the following item.


It says, “beef flavour oriental noodles and soup mix.”

Although it looks like noodles, it tastes just like genuine Japanese ramen because I’ve tasted it myself.  Actually, I ate one of these last night.  My favorite is a bowl of shrimp-flavoured ramen.


If you like, you can have a chicken flavoured one.


How much is it?

See the following official price list:



“Actual Page”

49 cent each, huh?

Yes, that is the official price at Loblaw’s, but it is actually 29 cent each at the no-frills supermarket.

You must be kidding.

I’m dead serious.

Are you saying, I could taste a bowl of genuine Japanese Ramen for only 29 cent?

Yes, I am… In saucepan, bring 2 cups of water to a boil, then add noodles and cook for 3 minutes, and it’ll be quite ready for you to eat a bowl of genuine Japanese ramen.


Only after three minutes?

Yes, believe me, I ate it just like that last night, and it tasted marvelously good!

No toppings?

Of course, I added some precooked toppings.


…looks great, but I’d rather have a vegitarian bowl.

Then you’d like to see the following bowl, eh?


Do these bowls really taste so good?

Believe me, Diane, they do… You should try this tonight.

Well, I think I’ll try it later ‘cause it only costs me 29 cent each.



【Himiko’s Monologue】


Well, if you don’t like a bowl of instant ramen, you should be able to cook the whole thing by yourself.

Here, I’ll paste a YouTube clip for you to learn how to cook the genuine ramen.


I’m pretty sure you’ll enjoy the marvelous taste.

In any case, I expect Kato will write another interesting article soon.

So please come back to see me.

Have a nice day!

Bye bye …



If you’ve got some time,

Please read one of the following artciles:


“Glorious Summer”

“Biker Babe & Granny”

“Genetically Modified”



“Yellow Ball”

“Welcome Back”

“Forbidden Love”

“Merry X’Mas”

“Heaven with Mochi”

“Travel Expense Scandal”




“JAGEL Again”

“Say NO!”

Happy Gal in Canada

Roof of Vancouver



Sex Appeal

Better Off Without Senate

Fire Festival


Scary Quake

MH370 Mystery

Putin’s Way

Trump @ Vancouver

Otter & Trump



Fiddler on the Roof

Flesh and Bone

Maiden’s Prayer

Romeo & Juliet

Trump @ Joke

Halloween in Shibuya

Trump Shock

Happy New Year!


Life or Death

Way to Millionaire

Adele Hugo

Middle Sexes


Hacksaw Ridge

Eight the Dog


Chef Babette



Hi, I’m June Adams.

Kato is a real movie lover, who tries to watch 1001 movies.

As a matter of fact, he has already accomplished his goal.


『Actual List』


Kato watched “The Arabian Nights” or “One Thousand and One Nights” as his 1001th movie.

You might just as well want to view it.



The stories in “the Arabian Nights” were collected over many centuries by various authors, translators, and scholars across West, Central, and South Asia and North Africa.

The tales themselves trace their roots back to ancient and medieval Arabic, Persian, Indian, Egyptian and Mesopotamian folklore and literature.

In particular, many tales were originally folk stories from the Caliphate era, while others, especially the frame story, are most probably drawn from the Pahlavi Persian work Hazār Afsān which in turn relied partly on Indian elements.

What is common throughout all the editions of the Nights is the initial frame story of the ruler Shahryār and his wife Scheherazade and the framing device incorporated throughout the tales themselves.

The stories proceed from this original tale.

Some are framed within other tales, while others begin and end of their own accord.

Some editions contain only a few hundred nights, while others include 1,001 or more.









『軽井沢タリアセン夫人 – 小百合物語』





